The 2021 Restaurant Strong Fund Employee Grant Application opened at 9:00 AM EST on February 9th. In a matter of 4 hours, we reached our limit of 5,000 applications. The 2021 RSF Employee Grant Application is now closed. For those unable to apply, we have compiled a list of additional Restaurant Industry grant opportunities. Please find that list at the bottom of this page.
Our team is starting the review process right away and we will be accepting applications on a rolling basis determined by incoming donations.
It is evident that the Restaurant Industry and Restaurant employees are hurting and need our help. We urge our supporters to continue giving and helping us help those in need. Every $1,000 raised is another grant we are able to provide to a struggling restaurant employee. Please consider making a donation today.
For any questions on our Restaurant Strong Fund grant applications please visit our FAQ Page.
2021 Restaurant Strong Fund
Additional Restaurant Industry Grant Opportunities
Bartender Emergency Assistance Fund – https://www.usbgfoundation.org/beap
Bartender emergency assistance program available to all bartenders or the spouse or child of a bartender.
United States Bartenders’ Guild – https://www.usbg.org/support/covid-19-state-by-state
Look for more specific information according to your state on the Bartenders’ Guild.
Another Round Another Rally – https://anotherroundanotherrally.org/?fbclid=IwAR2NYl5YUCDvpIjCYRjxzvxaoMrYOLW3DWANoQKDJEKZT-yFf6x2OsCXias
Offering $500, the Another Round Another Rally relief grants are for hospitality workers who lost their jobs or had their hours slashed in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.
AFL-CIO Federal and State Resources for Workers – https://aflcio.org/covid-19/state-resources
Find unemployment insurance benefit resources and related information for workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation – https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/
A crisis relief fund to direct money to organizations leading on-the-ground efforts in the restaurant community, to provide zero-interest loans to businesses to maintain payroll during closure or re-open once this crisis has passed, and to establish a relief fund for individual workers facing economic hardships or health crises as a direct result of COVID-19.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund – https://ofwemergencyfund.org/help
Providing free, cash assistance to restaurant workers, delivery drivers and other tipped workers and service workers — who are seeing their income decline during this disaster, or aren’t able to work because of quarantines or other health concerns.
Core Gives – https://coregives.org/
CORE grants support to children of food and beverage service employees navigating life-altering circumstances.
Grantmakers concerned with Immigrants and Refugees – https://www.gcir.org/coronavirus/immigrant-response-funds
COVID-19 information and resources for immigrants and refugees.
Southern Smoke Foundation – https://southernsmoke.org/fund/
Southern Smoke Foundation provides funding to individuals in the food and beverage industry who are in crisis.